According to a news article published in The Hindu, till today, across different parts of Northwest India, the minimum level of temperatures is going to dip further below by two degrees Celsius. On the first of January this year, severe cold climates kept dominating across different parts of Northwest India such as Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Chhattisgarh. As an effect of cold northwesterly winds which are blowing from the Himalayas across the plains, it is going to be further colder across these regions in the next couple of days.
The weather forecast from the Meteorological Department of India also states that from the nineteenth of January, these severe cold conditions are going to fade away a little due to western disturbances. This shall bring in warm moist winds blowing across the Middle East and change the flow of winds. Which in turn will prevent the North Westerly winds from the hills, making the temperatures a bit warmer.
Factors About The Cold Waves Across The North And Northwest India
- Till January 17th, the minimum temperatures are going to dip further by two degrees Celsius. But from 18th January onwards due to the effect of two western disturbances, the temperatures shall increase up to five degrees Celsius.
- Presently, severe conditions of cold waves are lashing across different parts of Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, and Rajasthan. Across different parts of Western Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, temperatures are hovering between three degrees to five degrees Celsius.
- During the night of January 18th, it is expected that the western disturbances shall affect the Himalayan Region leading to scattered rain and snowfall across the region of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir.
- A second western disturbance shall follow between the twentieth to twenty-fourth of January across these regions leading to further rain and snow falls.
- The IMD has issued an orange warning across Delhi about the severity of cold waves for the next few days. The minimum temperatures are expected to remain between one and two degrees Celsius for the next few days.
- Churu in Thar Desert has recorded a temperature of minus two and a half degrees Celsius. This has been the lowest here since 2001.
- In Delhi there has been a severe lash of cold waves between the fifth to ninth of January. In the last ten years, this has been the longest spell of cold waves in Delhi at a stretch. Delhi even has marked fifty hours of intense fog this month so far which is also the highest since 2019.
- Gujarat shall not experience much change in temperatures at least till the 18th of January. After that, the temperature is likely to arise between two to four degrees Celsius.
- Across West Bengal, Sikkim, and Sub Himalayan regions, intense fog is there to stay till the 18th of January during the mornings and nights. This same condition is also likely to be across different other states such as Odisha, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Meghalaya, Assam, and Tripura as well.
- In Western Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Punjab, ground frost conditions is likely to persist.