According to a news report published in the Times Of India, Shivani Kumari who is twenty years of age happens to be the only cadet from Gumla to represent Jharkhand in the upcoming Republic Day parade. In fact, she has been the sole cadet who is chosen from all across Bihar and Jharkhand amongst the other hundred and forty-four cadets for the Republic Day parade which is going to be taken place in Delhi. This year, the president of Egypt is supposed to be the chief guest.
The parents of Shivani and the people across her neighborhood are very excited about her. Her parents have said that it shall be a very proud moment to watch their daughter marching at the parade. Even the professors in her college too say that she has made the college proud. Shivani belongs to the Naval Unit-1 in the NCC of, Jharkhand, Ranchi.
Presently she is not in her hometown Jharkhand but in Delhi participating in the rehearsals along with the other cadets who are selected. Both her parents, Shakuntala Devi and Rameshwar Sahu happen to be farmers. They live in the Patro village which is enlisted under the Bhadauli panchayat block in the district. In 2001, she joined the Naval Unit of Jharkhand and is currently pursuing geography honors too in the Women’s College in Ranchi.
Shivani has completed her class twelve from the Jawahar Navodaya in Gumla’s Masariya. After being a cadet in the NCC, the first outing she participated in was an event of boat sailing which took place in Bihar’s Patna. After that, in October of last year, she attended training in the naval camp of Vishakhapatnam for ten days. In November last year, Shivani was selected for a camp for the Republic Day which took place in Bihar’s Barauni. Then further from here, she became one amongst the hundred and eleven cadets to be called to Delhi for the final round of selection. In December the final shortlist of the hundred and forty-four cadets was made and the drill for the Republic Day started thereafter on the 5th of January.
Speaking about her dreams to the TOI reporters, Shivani has told that from a young age when she used to watch the Republic Day parade on tv on the twenty-sixth of January she always wanted wished to join the Indian army. Adding to it she said that she has studied very hard in her school and now she is studying hard in her college too. After the completion of it, she dreams about sitting for the entrance exams at INDA. She wants to be an officer in the Indian Army and serve the country.
Shivani happens to be the eldest among her siblings. She has a brother and a sister too. she said that her Shakuntala Devi worked hard and tried her best to give them proper education. She had even taken a bank loan for their education. Apart from farming Shivani also runs a small grocery to clear off the debts and support her family.