The occasion is the 400th birth anniversary of the Ahom commander Lachit Barfukan. Union Home Minister Amit Shah repeatedly portrayed the Mughals as ‘fanatic invaders’ at the Lachit festival held at Vigyan Bhavan in Delhi yesterday, citing his Virgatha and the Saraighat battle. Shah claimed to be a ‘student of history’ and said, “The Mughal empire fell because Shivaji in the south, Durgadas Rathore in the west, Guru Govind Singh in the Punjab and Lachit Barfukan in Assam stood together against fanatical Aurangzeb. The country is again on the path of Swaraj.”
After such a ‘reconstruction’ of history, he again said, “Many people have distorted the history of India. I say to the present historians and students of history, it is time to write the history of the country gloriously. Do research, remove all falsehoods and write a new history. Govt. Will be.”
The stance of Assam CM
Assam Chief Minister Himantaviswa Sharma elaborated on the battle of Saraighat and Lachit Barfukan’s bravery and said, “In 1671, not only Assam but the country was saved for Lachit. Lachit fought to raise the morale of the army even when he was ill. The victory of the Ahoms in the war of Assam was not only Assam but the entire south. It ensured the security of East Asia. If the Mughal invasion was not stopped then the entire Southeast Asia including Myanmar would have been under the Mughal rule.”
Shah inaugurated the documentary rich in the commentary of historians on the battle of Lachit and Saraighat. Said, “Due to the resilience and courage of Lachit, Southeast Asia and Northeast India were saved from all fanatical invaders. Otherwise, the East might not have been a part of India anymore.”
While highlighting the history of Saraighat, Shah presented the popular folk tales as history. Said, “Lachit gave his uncle the task of building the fort. He cut off his uncle’s head because he could not build the fort on time, he said, ‘Uncle is not bigger than the country’.” According to Ahom historians, Lachit beheaded not his maternal uncle, but a ‘mau-mai’ or Tai (experienced technician in the Ahom language) who was in charge of building the fort named Lahon Hilaidhari. Shah said, “Since 1999, the NDA has awarded the best cadet with a gold medal named Lachit. Lachit’s biography will be translated into ten languages and taught to all the children of the country.”
POCSO accused granted bail
A 15-year-old girl was in a relationship with a 21-year-old man. On April 6, 2021, the girl went to a relative’s house with the young man. The girl’s family alleged that the young man raped her by taking advantage of the solitude there. The Mumbai High Court has granted bail to the accused in the case of the rape of a minor. In this context, Justice Bharti Dhingra said, “Although the victim is a minor, she can understand the consequences of her actions. She voluntarily took the accused to her relative’s house.”