Four years ago, the regulator TRAI introduced a new tariff policy to bring transparency to DTH services only. When it was amended in 2020, various channel companies went to court raising objections about the channel’s pricing method. After discussing with all parties, TRAI has announced that the new fee policy will be effective from next February. However, the debate has started again with the proposed policy. Customers fear that the cost of watching TV will increase. TRAI claims that the cost will rather decrease and it will not increase.
Recently, TRAI said that the market will decide the price of the channel. But those of Rs.19 or less will be in ‘boke’ (package) only. The channel company can give a discount of up to 45 per cent on the total price of the number of pay channels it will have. Now the upper limit of the price is 12 rupees. The maximum discount is 33%. According to the new rules, the agency will inform TRAI of the channel price by December 16. Based on this, TRAI will inform Multi Service Operators (MSOs), DTH companies and local cable companies by January 1 of various package prices. It will be launched for customers in February.
Dismissing the fear of an increase in the cost of customers, TRAI Karta claims that now the average price of about 33 channels is 22 to 30 Tk. Many channels of choice are charged separately (ala carte). Even in advanced packages, only channels priced at 12 rupees or less cannot always be kept. As a result, customers have to pay extra money in many cases.
Rather, TRAI says that the new policy will make the payment channel cheaper than Rs 19 to attract customers. Because, on average, about 65 to 70% of customers take packages. Twenty to twenty-two per cent Ala-Carta. The remaining about 10% do not watch premium channels. On the other hand, channel companies earn three to four times more from advertising (which is higher in pay channels) than the fees paid by consumers.
In a flash
• Cable’s new tariff policy in February
• Channels priced at Rs 19 or less can be kept on ‘Boke’. Now, which is 12 rupees.
• Channel companies can get a discount of up to 45% on the total price of Boke’s pay channels.
A word of caution about Aadhaar
The Aadhaar authority (UIDAI) has asked the state government or concerned agency to verify the data before using it, even if the Aadhaar information is submitted with the consent of the customer. Without saying anything directly, on Thursday they verified the Aadhaar-based identity in each case and then issued usage messages. Said, any 12-digit number is not Aadhaar. All agencies should be directed to properly verify their application to state governments, before using this number as an identity card. Aadhaar authorities have also sent necessary instructions to the organizations involved in the investigation. The UIDAI said the QR code of any type of Aadhaar (Aadhaar letter or card, eAadhaar, Aadhaar PVC card, M Aadhaar) can be checked through the ‘M Aadhaar’ app.