According to a report published in the NDTV, another incident of abuse on domestic help has come up from Delhi’s Noida. A video has got published about it and immediately has been circulated. In an interview with NDTV, the victim who happens to be a woman in her twenties shared about her incident. She works as a domestic in a family that stays in a society called Cleo County in Noida. After they found her eating a bit of jaggery, they had beaten her mercilessly and has also threatened about killing her.
Based on a clip of CCTV footage gathered from the elevator of the building, the police have filed her case. The footage which immediately went viral upon circulation, showed the woman was dragged inside forcibly. Upon interviewing, the police shared that Shefali Kaul in whose flat Anita works as a domestic helper beats her regularly. When Anita refused to work anymore and even tried escaping, they brought her back forcibly. The police also shared that scratches and marks of bruises has been found on her body of Anita. A medical checkup has been conducted and they are awaiting the reports.
Anita, who is still under massive trauma had told NDTV that Shefali would douse her with cold water often and beat her every day. On December 26 th, she had eaten a bit of jaggery from the house and for that, they had beaten her with slippers. She said that she tried to escape when they told her that they would put fire on her and push her off the roof.
She tried to make a rope by tying several dupattas and climbed down from the fourth-floor flat but was caught by the guard of the society. He then called Shefali who hit her and dragged her back into the flat and choked her by the throat. Scratches over the neck and ears of Anita are still clearly visible.
In the CCTV footage collected from the elevator, it has been found that Shefali dragged Anita out of it by catching her in a headlock, as she refused. Anita told that she wanted to go back home and no longer return here. A senior officer from the Noida police has said that the victim’s father had complained. He also has added that the search is on for the accused who has been found missing since then.
In the past few years complaints of violence against security guards, domestic help, and even on delivery boys have been lodged. They all belonged to the residential societies in the capital. In September an incident in Noida captured by the security camera showed a woman slapping the security guard of the apartment. Upon inquiry, it was found her name was Sutapa Das and she was a professor.
There were also instances when a man from an apartment was found slapping the security guard too. Even a woman from Noida was been arrested for her obscene language and gestures at the security guard for making a delay in opening the gate.