Chiranjiv Patel invests in Tripster, a travel app start-up in Ahmedabad

Chiranjiv Patel, the young entrepreneur, known for empowering start-up businesses, is all set to invest in a travel-based start-up, Tripster.

Mr Patel, MD of PC Snehal Group, a construction company, mentored the travel-based start-up under his Re1 mentorship program.

Chiranjiv Patel invests in Tripster

When asked Mr Patel about his thoughts and way ahead for the exciting start-up concept, he shared, “I’m looking forward to taking Tripster, the Travel business, to newer heights. It is an app where you earn points while you travel, and we are the first travel-based social media platform where you can post fun travel stories. I have invested 18% and taken a leap of faith with the passionate founder Karna Desai.

He adds, “ The start-up app already has more than 10k users already and looking forward to connecting with the whole world and their travel stories with Tripster.”

Chiranjiv Patel has mentored more than 50 Start-up businesses, of which three start-up businesses have made it to 100 million USD.

Looking forward to seeing his investments in more start-up businesses growing them to newer heights, like all the other mentoring start-ups.

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