Actress Madhura Naik, who is well-known for her work on the television show Naagin, recently released a video on Instagram in which she claimed that her cousin Odaya and her husband were killed in Israel. According to the actor, the two were killed on Saturday in the midst of the ongoing Israel-Hamas confrontation in front of their children. She was clear that she opposed any forms of violence from either side, but she supported Israel’s right to self-defense.
“My name is Madhura Naik, and I’m an Indian Jew. There are barely 3,000 of us left in India. Our family lost a son and a daughter the day before, on October 7. In front of their two children, my cousin Odaya and her husband were brutally killed.
The sorrow and feelings that my family and I am experiencing right now are indescribable. Israel is in pain right now. Her women, children, and streets are on fire as a result of Hamas’s rage. Targets include women, kids, the elderly, and the weak, she claimed.
“I shared a photo of my sister and her family yesterday so that everyone might see our suffering, and I was startled to discover just how widespread pro-Palestinian Arab propaganda is. I experienced degrading treatment because I am Jewish. I want to express my emotions today and thank all of my supporters, friends, and loved ones for their years of support and unfailing love and gratitude for all of the work I have done.
Additionally, this pro-Palestinian Arab propaganda that Israel is a cold-blooded killer is untrue to the people who do not know me. Terrorism is not self-defense. To be absolutely clear, I oppose all forms of violence and oppression on both sides, she continued.