According to an article published in The Times Of India, a new study reveals that less amount of sleep each day can lead to heart disease. The report further explains that according to European Heart Journal, when a person sleeps lesser than seven to eight hours a day it puts the heart at risk. It develops Peripheral Artery Disease. Dr. Shuai Yuan says that the study suggests when a person sleeps for seven to eight hours at night, it lowers the risk of PAD. So, everyone must try to get at least a sleep for this duration each night.
Globally, right now more than two hundred million people are suffering from peripheral artery disease. This disease occurs when the arms and legs get narrowed down due to the deposition of plaques. This is one of the prime symptoms of atherosclerosis. In this condition, the blood flow across the arms and legs gets disrupted due to deposits of fatty acids. Some of the common symptoms of PAD are coldness or numbness in the lower legs, painful cramps in the hips, weak pulse in the legs, sores on legs that do not heal completely, skin color change in legs, erectile dysfunction in men, and hair loss on legs.
A study that was conducted included six hundred and fifty thousand participants. It was done on a massive scale divided into two parts. In the first phase, the researchers aimed at finding out the association between day napping and sleep duration with the risk of PAD in these six hundred and fifty thousand participants.
In the second phase, they tried to process genetic information to perform naturally random controlled trials called Mendelian randomization. The results showed that in fifty-three thousand four hundred sixteen adults, fewer sleep hours increased the risk of PAD. According to Dr. Yuan, the results are proof that lesser hours of nighttime sleep raises the chances of developing PAD.
Causes For Sleep Deprivation
In some individuals, certain health issues prevent them from having normal sleep. But in many, the overuse of gadgets is leading to lesser sleep. It has become a habit for many to remain awake till late in the night and browsing in the internet or work till late and then sleep till late in the morning. Health experts are continuously issuing warnings against less sleep as it is posing a greater risk to life.
Does Sleeping For Long Hours Bring Any Solution
The study also revealed that sleeping more than eight hours increases the risk of PAD by twenty-four percent. So it is stressing on sleeping adequately. Similar results were shown for daytime napping too. Daytime nappers are at a thirty-two percent higher risk for PAD than those who do not take a nap during the daytime.
How To Get Sufficient Sleep
To get a proper seven to eight hours of nighttime sleep developing proper sleeping habits are a must. Gadgets must be turned off one hour before bedtime. Having early meals or meditation before sleep helps too. Avoid drinking coffee or tea in the evening because these keep you awake till late.