According to a report published in The Times Of India, Twitter has undergone multiple changes since the time it has got taken over by the CEO of Tesla Elon Musk last October. Amidst the economic meltdown across various industries, the revenue from advertising has also declined for the various social media platforms too. Due to this deficit, social media channels such as Twitter, Instagram, and Meta’s Facebook have been forced to seek other streams for revenue such as subscription-based services.
The micro-blogging site under the ownership of Musk, Twitter Blue is already available in multiple countries. Meta has recently launched its feature for the subscription service in the US. Walking along the same lines as Twitter, this service allows Instagram and Facebook users to get multiple exclusive features and a verification badge. Here are the details and the differences between these services.
Pricing And Availability Between Meta Verified vs Twitter Blue
Only across a few markets right now, Meta verified is available which includes the US, New Zealand, and Australia. For web users the monthly subscription costs around $11.99 and for both iPhone and Android users, the cost is $14.99.
Indian users can also choose the Twitter Blue subscription by paying a monthly fee of rupees six hundred and fifty for the website and rupees nine hundred on mobile.
Key Features Of Meta verified vs Twitter Blue
In the Meta verified service, you will get a badge of verification that confirms that the user’s account is authentic with a government ID. Through this verification service, your account can get more protection from accounts that claim to be yours. Other than this, the service also promises to increase reach and visibility across search, recommendations, and comments.
On Twitter too you can enjoy exclusive features with its subscription-based service. Those who are subscribers of the Twitter Blue service can make changes in their published Tweets within thirty minutes of tweeting. In addition to that they can also arrange bookmarked tweets in various folders too. Paid users can also change their Twitter app icon on their phone and personalize their profile picture with NFT. They can also choose different themes, select what appears on the navigation bar, shortcuts to many of the shared articles, have two-factor authentication on SMS, and can share longer videos, tweets, and many more features.
How To Sign Up For Meta Verified vs Twitter Blue
Instagram and Facebook users in the US can select the Settings menu for each app and choose the Accounts Center to get the option for Meta Verified. Twitter users on the web need to go to the More section and choose Twitter Blue to get the Subscription option. In both cases, there are verification procedures that must be followed before getting the authentication badge.
Meanwhile, on mobiles, both Android and iPhone users have to first go to the profile menu and then navigate to the Twitter Blue option to Subscribe. To complete the subscription, the in-app payment instructions need to be followed as well.