Is Jaggery Good For The Diabetics?

According to an article published today in The Times Of India, avoiding sweets, especially for people who are suffering from diabetes can indeed be difficult. So that the diabetic can enjoy the festivities many say that it is a good alternative to refined sugar. This is because the sweetness of jaggery has an unrefined nature. It retains more nutrients than refined sugar can. There have been often many questions raised about this theory.  So this article deals with the aspects of Jaggery.

Advantages That Jaggery Brings

There is no doubt to the fact that jaggery brings a great many benefits to the heath. It contains iron and so it also helps in keeping blood pressure under control too. In addition to that jaggery helps the body to fight oxidative stress and improves the levels of digestion as well. This is the reason why in the olden days, people used to have jaggery after their meals. Many people are of the belief that jaggery has low amounts of glycemic which makes it the perfect thing for diabetics. But on the contrary, it is just the opposite. Jaggery has the capacity of increasing the levels of glycemic in a diabetic person. So, a person with diabetes is not recommended to consume jaggery. 

Does The Blood Sugar Levels Go Higher When Jaggery Is Consumed

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Shikha Walia who happens to be a senior nutritionist and an educator says that there is every chance for a rise in sugar levels when Gud or jaggery is consumed. Because it increases the glycemic index so people with diabetes are not recommended to have jaggery. Jaggery gets absorbed in the blood very quickly so it is not recommended for consumption by a person with diabetes. Even though the content of harm is not as severe as sugar or glucose yet it is indeed harmful.

What Makes Jaggery Not A Good Substitute

Jaggery increases the glycemic index in the body and this is why a person with diabetes is forbidden from eating it. A diabetic must avoid consuming any kind of sweet products. They are even advised not to eat desserts as well. to keep the levels of blood sugar in control, it is very necessary that a diabetic must suppress his cravings for sweets.

Are Jaggery And Sugar Harmful 

Ms. Walia says that no matter whether you eat jaggery or sugar, it is going to affect your blood sugar levels. Many are of the concept that a diabetic can have jaggery over sugar. This is a myth. For a diabetic both sugar and jaggery are harmful. Jaggery has sucrose in it which increases the levels of sugar in the body despite it being complex. This verifies the fact that jaggery is as harmful as sugar for a person with diabetes.

The Final Learnings

Jaggery is only good for people who are not suffering from diabetes. It has the same effects as sugar when a diabetic consumes it and so he must avoid it at any cost. A diabetic must avoid consuming any type of sweet product no matter been made using sugar or jaggery.