According to a report published in NDTV Sports, team India’s skipper Hardik Pandya has expressed disappointment after India’s loss to Sri Lana in the second T20I game. Talking to the media after the match Pandya has told that, in any format of the game, bowling a no ball is akin to a crime. Pandya has made this statement about the disappointing performance of the young pacer, Arshdeep Singh. Pandya has also kept it clear that he was not blaming the pacer but he suggests Arshdeep review his performance and correct his errors.
Sri Lanka has now leveled the score to 1-1 in this three-match T20I series after India’s disappointing loss in the second game by sixteen runs on Thursday. After missing out on the opening game, Arshdeep joined the team and gave a rusty performance. He gave away thirty-seven runs in his two overs of bowling with five no balls. During the presentation ceremony after the match, Pandya has told that one can have a good or a bad day, it is a part of the game. But one cannot deviate from his basics. Pandya has also added that this situation is very difficult for Arshdeep because he has delivered no balls previously too. He said that he is not trying to be hard on Arshdeep nor is he blaming him but making him understand that delivering a no ball is similar to committing a crime in all formats of the game.
According to Pandya, team India has not played as per the standards during the powerplays both in the batting and bowling departments. And the damage was done during the powerplays from which team India couldn’t recover. Pandya thinks that the team has made some common errors that were not expected at all. And he hopes that the team learns to concentrate more on the controllable things.
Speaking about the debutant Rahul Tripathi, who batted at number three, Pandya told that Rahul is comfortable playing at the number three slot. And everyone who joins the team, he believes in placing them in a slot in which they are comfortable. Pandya has also praised the skipper of Sri Lanka, Dasun Shanaka stating that he has led his team from the front with both bowling and batting.
The skipper of Sri Lanka was the player of the match in this game. He had made fifty-six runs off twenty-two balls and also defended twenty-one runs in the final over. While talking to the reporters after the match the Sri Lankan skipper has told that the openers had set the game and they could have done much better during the mid-game. He had to play well in the middle order so that it became easier for the finishes to complete the job perfectly.
Shanaka also praised Surya Kumar Yadav and Axar Patel for contributing ninety-one runs in their sixth-wicket partnership. It almost gave him a feeling that the match was slipping away from the grip of Sri Lanka. He has also said that it was due to the class of Indian batsmen and not the dew that almost took the match away from Sri Lanka. But they had remained composed till the end. Shanaka also added that under such conditions, it felt good that they could defend their team’s total that too against a team like India.