According to a report published in The Time Of India, Microsoft Edge which happens to be a rival of Google Chrome provides support for Efficiency Mode. This mode along with helping the users with saving energy also brings an increase in the device’s memory efficacy too. It has been a long time now since this feature is provided by the Edge browser. Now to keep the business competition high Google too has rolled out a feature for the Energy Saver and Memory Saver modes.
These features are available in Windows, Linux, Mac, and also in Chromebooks as well. As per a report stated by 9to5Google, the Energy and Memory saver modes of Google Chrome get enabled by default. There is no need for any downloads or activation of any features for having that. But surely, a user has the option to either enable or disable these services from the performance options in the Chrome Settings.
Memory Saver Mode Of Google Chrome
Similar to the Efficiency mode of Microsoft Edge, the Energy Saver mode of Google Chrome too free the memory from every inactive tab on its own. Due to this action, more resources are offered to other apps and pages which were active over the system of the user. This upgradation in Google Chrome also brings a feature of a list called, always keep these sites active. This list helps the users to add the sites to it so that they can easily access them. It saves the user from encountering issues such as waiting for the link to refresh after it has remained inactive for a while.
The memory saver feature of Chrome is very useful as stated by Google because it consumes thirty percent less memory than what it used to be previously. In the report, it has further been mentioned that due to this feature, your current gaming and video tabs shall run smoothly.
In addition to this, even the Google Meet app too has got a new three hundred and sixty degrees feature for virtual backgrounds for iPhones and Android. Due to this feature now users can add three hundred and sixty degrees of customized backgrounds instead of regular backgrounds with wallpapers. It will add a greater immersive experience during the meeting.
It is an extension of the present static backgrounds of Google meet, giving greater flexibility to the users. According to the company, this three-hundred-and-sixty-degree background combines the gyroscope and videos for bringing a more dynamic background. It also moves alongside the user present in the frame. Currently, this virtual feature of backgrounds is available on iOS and Android devices for Google Workspace and also on personal Google accounts too.
Furthermore, the widgets too can be edited now for the chat apps. You can now use various interactive widgets such as radio buttons, checkboxes, and Dropdowns too. No matter whether you are using Google or Chrome features for business or personal purposes, these multiple additions of features will come to great use.