China Claims That Information Is Not Being Hidden

The World Health Organization (WHO) has repeatedly accused China of concealing information related to Covid. In response, Beijing claimed yesterday that they have been releasing all information about the country’s corona situation since the beginning.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning said, “From the day that Covid started, China has been reporting all information to international organizations in a completely open and transparent manner. We hope that the WHO Secretariat will play a scientific, accurate and constructive role in preventing the epidemic in the world.” Mao Ning said that China has held three meetings with WHO since December 9. There will be one more soon. Corona information is being given to WHO.

China Claims
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The ‘Zero Covid’ policy was maintained in China for the last 3 years. Even though the whole world has returned to normal life, China has not. They were unwilling to relax the rules to ensure that the country is corona-free. Lockdowns, wearing masks, social distancing, everything was in place. Recently a house caught fire during the lockdown. Residents could not leave their homes due to strict rules. They died in the fire. Soon after, protests began across China demanding the withdrawal of the Covid regulations. Under pressure, the government lifted all the rules overnight. 

Claims of China

Immediately, the wave of corona infection hit China. According to experts, due to being under house arrest for so long, the human body has not developed natural immunity. Vaccination is not appropriate. China claims that there are no deaths in the country despite the severe infection. But the news coming out on social media and various sources showed a completely different picture. The report of a government meeting was leaked recently. It also shows that data on millions of infections is being concealed in China. 

After the leak of this report, the government informed that daily infections and deaths cannot be published. However WHO continued to push again and again. They said that to control the epidemic, it is important to know the news inside China. How many infections per day, how many people are admitted to the hospital, how many people die, what is the nature of the disease – these information are wanted to know in detail. However, no response has been received so far. China has finally opened its mouth on this subject for the first time yesterday. 

But whatever Beijing says, WHO chief Mike Ryan’s statement shows that China is reducing the number of infected people, the number of hospitalizations. However, Ryan also said that the situation has improved in the last 10 days. China has increased dialogue and information exchange with them.

Wrapping up 

China has just opened its borders. Citizens have been allowed to travel abroad. But most countries have started cracking down on Chinese tourists. It is mandatory for Chinese people to be Covid negative to enter India, America, Taiwan, Japan. Yesterday the European Union (EU) also published a regulation. It has been said that all passengers on flights to or from China must wear masks.