Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar held a meeting with Congress leader Rahul Gandhi after reaching Delhi yesterday to break the salt of the opposition alliance. The BJP leadership claimed that Nitish is taking this initiative because of his desire to become the face of the Prime Minister in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. However, after the meeting with Rahul, Nitish said yesterday that he has no desire to become the prime ministerial candidate. Rather, his only objective is to form a strong alliance against the BJP in 2024. Nitish plans to meet Arvind Kejriwal, Left leadership, and NCP leader Sharad Pawar in Delhi.
BJP’s allegations
BJP alleges that Nitish, who had a bird’s eye view of the Prime Minister’s chair, understood that his wish would not be fulfilled if he was in the NDA. That is why he went to the opposition camp to sustain his political existence on the one hand, and on the other hand to find an opportunity to become a candidate for the Prime Minister. As Nitish came to Delhi and started reaching out to anti-BJP regional parties, the JDU started campaigning to make Nitish the face of the Prime Minister. However, Congress has objections to this.
Stance of Congress
Because it was decided in the Congress think tank in Udaipur that the path of alliance with the opposition parties will be kept open. However, the party has not yet decided on what the path of reconciliation will be before or after the alliance vote. The Congress is also opposed to handing over the leadership of the alliance to another party. Because, Congress thinks, among the opposition parties, only they are capable of fighting against BJP’s ideology. Rahul Gandhi said at the Ramleela Maidan on 4th September that the Congress will defeat the BJP and the Sangh Parivar with its ideology and other parties.
Nitish met Rahul amid tension over the face of the opposition alliance. Rahul was campaigning in Gujarat throughout the day yesterday. He had a meeting with Nitish on reaching his Tughlaq Lane home in the evening. None of the leaders wanted to reveal what was discussed in the 50-minute meeting. Rahul did not come before the media. And while leaving Rahul’s house, Nitish said, “I aim to bring the opposition parties together. At the same time, this trip to Delhi is to hold a meeting with the top leadership of the parties that are running the grand coalition government in Bihar.”
Nitish did not want to accept this accusation of the BJP because he wanted to be the prime ministerial candidate and took initiative to spread the salt of the opposition alliance. His counterargument was, “BJP is trying to weaken the regional parties. I aim to build a strong alliance against them. I have no desire to be a prime ministerial candidate.” Nitish will meet with the left parties today. He is scheduled to meet Kejriwal and Sharad Pawar during his three-day visit to Delhi.