The boy appeared in the Indian shooting world after creating enough response. Abhinaba Sau of Bengal became the national best as the youngest shooter. This time, Asansol’s amazing talent has also responded in his first international competition. Almost four days ago, he won silver in the 10m air rifle at the Junior World Cup in Sul, German. He is only 14 years old. But even the day before the event, Abhinaba wasn’t sure if he would get off.
Abhinaba returned home on Tuesday. With his father Rupesh Sau who went to Germany with his son at personal expense. After talking to the two, it became known how Abhinaba had to handle difficult tests even outside the range.
According to the rules, the shooters can take part in the competition only if they are given a clearance by the judges after testing their rifles and uniforms. Typically, the test takes about three hours to complete. But even after hours passed, the Bengal shooter did not get the clearance. “But then I was under a lot of pressure. I thought, what will happen this time? Can I get off?” Saying Abhinaba.
What was the problem? Mr. Rupesh said the problem was due to the weather. Due to the cold weather in Germany, Abhinaba’s shoes and clothes became very stiff. Clothing has to be thick up to a certain standard. It should not be more. Only then will the clearance be obtained. But due to the cold, the clothes became stiff and it was not possible to meet that standard. The clearance was not coming. So what did he do? In the words of Mr. Rupesh, “On the eve of the competition, I rubbed Abhi’s clothes and shoes with a cloth for hours on end. In the case of Abhi, it took 12 hours to get the clearance which took three hours. In the case of the Indians, they seemed to be a little stricter. We were under a lot pressure to figure out if we could get off. “
In the end, Abhinaba passed the test outside the shooting range and landed on the international stage for the first time with a rifle. The final eight fought in the preliminary round. And, from there, he scored 257.6 and achieved silver. What about the lesson gained on the international stage? “The biggest lesson is how to cope with the pressure and adapt to the world,” says the talented shooter.
Along with him, Rudranksh Patil achieved gold to give India finish of 1-2 in junior men’s air rifle match that was of 10 m. It was held on Wednesday. Rudranksh pipped Abhinaba to get at the top of the podium at 17-13 as he competed for the highest spot in gold medal match.
Rudranksh scored 260.9 for qualifying the match for gold medal after topping final stage of elimination. The format is implemented by ISSF for first time in junior’s international level in German. According to the new format, shooters need to participate in qualification round.